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Kingdom Business Lifestyle Podcast

May 30, 2022

Today I gotta be real real real with you all. There are some certian things that Humanity needs for hope for a brighter future to be restored in the masses. The criminals must go to jail, and the righteous must go free. I have some ideas in this podcast, they are good ideas. Watch the documentary on Nazi Hunters..


Do you remember when the good guys used to be commissioned to get the bad guys and bring them to trial!???


Which nation is gonna be the first to commission!???? Which city, which state??? See my point?? And if they can't commission task forces  to take down criminals international criminals are they even real, are they even authority?? OR FAKES IN NEED OF REPLACEMENT.


Kingdom of God is at Hand! Jesus is Lord and the Kings of God are here, things are about to change and it will be in our favor! 

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