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Kingdom Business Lifestyle Podcast

Jan 12, 2023

In this broadcast I am going to explain what is the real threat to the United States, and it's not nuclear war. I will also talk solutions. The people for freedom need to actually stand up and not just sit by and hope everything works out, this is not how life works. God wants us to stand up against evil.. 


Today I am going to give you an assessment on the Global Situation from a Kingdom of God perspective, a perspective on how to bring peace, as well as an explanation from someone who has research extensively with an interesting understanding of technology and ELECTROMAGNETIC WARFARE. 


Please watch and also watch this video (this is worth downloading):


We are not here to get defeated by satanists, I am here on this planet to WIN in JESUS NAME. I am on this planet to CRUSH THE PLANS OF THE ENEMY and if you are in Christ so are you. Agenda 2030 is the plan of men, it is GOD'S plan that prevails so it's time we start painting the picture of our agenda 2050!