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Kingdom Business Lifestyle Podcast

Feb 6, 2023

Today we will be talking about 3 important topics. 

1) FUNGUS WEAPON STRATEGY OF THE GLOBALISTS: Talking in this section about one of the next attack plans of the Globalists via Fungal infections that attack the Immune-Compromised. You heard it first here. I will be exposing this plan and hopefully you share this and we stop it dead in its tracks.

 We will be going in depth of the potential for ground based warfare if an EMP weapon was used. In this section we will discuss solutions to EMP attacks, plus homeland warfare strategies that I think we should all consider. (A leader in China's army has stated, and since scrubbed from the internet, that they plan to invade the USA and take over the land and make Americans slave that plant their rice.) We have the homeland advantage which is huge, but we need to have this discussion.

3) MY THEORY ON THE "BALLOON": In this last section I will be sharing a theory I have about why this balloon actually went over the USA, and what I think it actually DID DO on it's mission that isn't being discussed. 

** In this episode you will find some different info, not all will want to hear. However I recommend you do take the time to hear. It is not to instill fear but to wake people up to the potential of homeland war and how we win!! Jesus is Lord and those who trust in him win no matter what. 

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