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Kingdom Business Lifestyle Podcast

Mar 3, 2023

This should be a fun episode. Today I will be sharing a dream that I had, as well as some powerful concepts for producing food, becoming independent while depending on God. 

We will also talk about my first experience butchering goats and sheep. 
Then we will talk about dogs for security. Why you should consider a pack of trained dogs to help protect your food and properties. 

Then make sure to get the second edition of my book "Born Again As Kings!" Learn more about the book @ and make sure to get on my email list there if you are not already. You can also find the book and some reviews now on Amazon! 

Also FYI we are launching something called "Kingdom Round Table" a new show scheduled for Mondays @ 7:00 pm CST on Rumble. Mark your calendar. This is going to be a powerful Kingdom Discussion platform where you and the family and friends can come to hear many ministers discuss the Kingdom Message and how God's will is the will to be done on earth as it is in heaven!!

Here is the link for Monday on Rumble, you can subscribe but also put it in your calendar! See you all Monday LIVE on VIDEO!!!