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Kingdom Business Lifestyle Podcast

Jan 7, 2023

Attention: Air Force, National Guard, US Military

"Strange Antennas" have been appearing in the Salt Lake City foothills.
 I saw these and immediately thought they were signal jammers based on the jammers I have seen in the past. Search "Signal Jammers Vehicles China," China uses this type of technology to keep communications from spreading outside their areas. Then go to the photos and see the hardware box and the antennas used.

Then I found out that there may be a dozen of these in the mountains around the area. 

Then I find out that they don't know what these "antennas" are and their best guess is crypto mining (which a crypto expert debunked saying that would only produce around $10 / month), the other idea was it was a cell phone booster.. Each probably cost more than $5,000 depending on what is in the box.. No one would do this to boost cell phone signals. These things are military grade, and they are bolted into the rocks. I knew that these were not normal communication only networks by the size of the box next to it. These are dangerously close to our largest Military Reserve and Ammunition Storage facility..

They should be taken down CAREFULLY, the box opened with robotics, and analyzed for fingerprints and place of origin. A good network manager and network penetration expert (hacker) could potentially trace back where these communications are going to, so I would bring a communication and computer expert with you and take note of the direction of these grey boxes.. (click here and also take note of the antenna 900-930mhz, and the box size click here

Then see photo screenshots below of what technology they use in China and other places to stop communications..

I am putting this out not to cause fear but to say that these could potentially be signal jammers to block communications of this whole Salt Lake City area. Signal jamming could allow an invasion on our military base and disable aircraft from flying, as well as communications from getting out to warn others.

America must not live in lala land. Biden is sending missiles that are being now launched into Russia. If you were Putin wouldn't you want to stop the location where these missiles were coming from?? If you wanted to stop an out of control regime wouldn't you first stop communications and take out the "largest war reserve and ammunition storage facility?"

Fellow Citizens of the United States we have a rogue regime trying to lead us into destruction, to cover the tracks of the failed monetary system. I pray this get to a wise leader and network technician in the National Guard or the Air Force and you all work to get "peace with Russia."

Aand if these are signal jammers you are lucky we identified them before they used them, and you are lucky he didn't launch missiles and destroy the whole area. Make peace with Russia, because China and one of their commanders have also stated they hope to invade the USA and take over their farmlands and make the citizens plant our food.

My suspicion is China is also waiting for Russia to engage the USA so it can invade. I am not saying this is Putin, but we have two large nations not happy with our leadership. Right or wrong??

This isn't a light issue, I have been through war, and launching missiles into one of the largest nuclear powers on the planet, for reasons we really don't even know (political nonsense). It needs to stop now, peace talks need to happen now, we need to stop the sending of weapons to Ukraine. Putin has asked for peace numerous times, and where are our leaders even attempting to make peace? It's time for peace and people with a backbone to stand up an do what's right.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Matthew 5:9

If I prove to be right you should consider hiring me to train the intelligence officers how to methodically gather intelligence, message me at kingdombiz@protomail.comIf I prove wrong then at lease you all may consider watching the mountain range more carefully within eye-shot of our largest storage site for war reserve and training ammunition. The vantage points are the mountain peaks not the valley.

Some may say well if there was going to be an invasion how would they do that?? Wasn't there just a power outage effecting over 10,000 homes last Sunday?? Don't think troops could move in in that time? Be on guard, God bless, and let there be peace on earth not reckless wars.