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Kingdom Business Lifestyle Podcast

Jan 21, 2020

This is one of my favorite revelations and one of the revelations that radically empowered me to begin making a difference in this world.. Even with faults and flaws.. "You don't have to be perfect to change this world!" We must stop trying to focus so much on "fixing ourselves" the true healing takes place when we...

Jan 6, 2020

Today I proposed a question "Was Jesus Waiting On God.." this actually stirred up a lot of conversation and lots of good things happened. I decided to drop this on audio for you all to check out and consider.

If Jesus wasn't waiting on God, but new God's plan, then why are we waiting?? Is it because we still think God's...

Jan 6, 2020

After seeing all of the crazyness happening the world between the US and all of these forces opposing our freedom I decided to hold an emergency prayer call. I opened this call up to our email list and group and it was SOO POWERFUL and I believe we literally slayed some principalities today!!

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