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Kingdom Business Lifestyle Podcast

Sep 27, 2021

Satan has been fooling the world, his followers, and Christians, into  believing that each generation is the time of the rise of the Antichrist.. For generations Christians have been so fixed on the Antichrist, that they have been paralyzed. Did you know these Luciferian's use revelation as a "magic book" to...

Sep 21, 2021

Satanism is out in the open right now.. What does this mean?? Why have these people not been arrested yet?? Well today I want to propose to you a spiritual as well as physical solution from the bible. We have the answers, but are we willing to be the generation that uses our faith to finally remove these tyrants and...

Sep 17, 2021

When you have knowledge of the Truth it makes you free. Today I want to share with you some keys to help you be victorious over all the troubles of these times. Faith is first, but we also must be educated. Today I teach how to keep your body in optimal performance, how to implement some new strategies, and in...

Sep 14, 2021

In today's episode we will be talking about one of the foundation keys to disconnecting from the globalism wanna be control grid. We must disconnect. We must build back new and better. But it requires us getting this ONE THING RIGHT... That is the money thing, the transaction thing... We must open our ears to the new...

Sep 3, 2021

Remember how much they used to talk about nanobots??! Remember how much they used to talk about  AI?? Then do you realize they stopped sharing their progress?? Well its because they have figured out elements and methods to get Nanobots into bodies and up-link them through 5g sensors to AI software to create the ultimate...